I am STERNLY REBUKED for some remarks made in the last number. My reflections with regard to the respective value of Mussulman and Christian pledges exchanged, as also on the
The Editors of LUCIFER beg to acknowledge the following books, which will be noticed in future numbers : — From Messrs. Ward and Downey: “A Modern Magician”, by Fitzgerald Molloy.
Reviewed by ANON SENSE ! What is “sense ” ? A word meaning either little or much; simple and clear to the understanding, or various and carrying with it many
REVIEWS THE REAL HISTORY OF THE ROSICRUCIANS Founded on their own Manifestoes, and on Facts and Documents collected from the Writings of Initiated Brethren. With Illustrations. London: George Redway, 1887.
As the Editors of Lucifer kindly invite questions concerning Theosophy and kindred subjects, an honest enquirer into these matters would welcome an answer to the following difficulty: In his book
– I – WHAT are the senses called astral, in reality? Are they not really spiritual, seizing on the inner essence of things and interpreting it. The ordinary psychic or
Reviewed by Gerald Massey PARTICULAR attention has been recently directed to this subject of Blood-Covenant by the experiences of explorers in Africa, who appear to have discovered in that